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A choice of two space clearing smudge kits, ideal for cleansing your own energy field/aura, the energy of a particular room or your entire home.

Space Clearing Smudge Kit

PriceFrom £23.99
  • My Space Clearing Smudge Kits are made to order with hand-picked items.


    Each kit includes:

    • A Californian sage smudge stick (10cm medium kit / 22.5cm large kit);
    • Ethically sourced 1st grade Palo Santo sticks (2 sticks medium kit / 3 sticks large kit);
    • An Abalone Shell (approx. 13-14cm medium kit / approx. 15-17cm large kit);
    • A gift boxed raw black tourmaline;
    • A chunky selenite stick/bar; and
    • A small smudging feather.


    These kits are ideal for cleansing your own energy field/aura, the energy of a particular room or for your home, depending on your intention.

  • The smoke of the smudge stick and Palo Santo can be used to cleanse any negative energies from your own energy field or that of your home or a particular place and leaves room for positive energy to be invited in.  You may like to take a look at my Palo Santo and sage items for more detailed information.


    • Firstly, set your intention, whether you want to cleanse your aura, cleanse a room of any negative or stagnant energy, cleanse a space of any residual energy where there’s been an argument, cleansing your entire home, etc.  Choose whatever feels right for you at the time.  You may even like to create your own personal ritual or ceremony to bless the space.  You can smudge at any time of day or night, the most important time is to do it when you feel it needs to be done, or if you feel negative, anxious, sluggish, or after an argument, etc.
    • Next, choose either the smudge stick or Palo Santo, whichever feels appropriate for you.  Light your chosen smudge/Palo Santo stick and blow out any flames to leave some gentle smoke rising.  You can relight the smudge/Palo Santo stick as needed during your ceremony.
    • Place the smudge/Palo Santo stick in the Abalone shell to catch any ashes or embers.  The shell can be carefully held in your hand if you need to walk around (you may wish to place a small amount of sand in the shell before you begin, to protect against any heat transference and to extinguish the smudge/Palo Santo stick once you’ve finished).  If you’re putting your shell on a surface, you may like to place it on a heat resistant table mat.
    • Use the smudging feather to gently waft the smoke through the air.  If you’re cleansing your aura (it helps to have someone to assist you if possible), start from your feet and work slowly upwards until you reach above your head whilst imagining that your aura and body is being cleared of any negative energy.  Do this in quarter turns, clockwise, i.e., front, then left side, then back, then right side.  If you’re cleansing a room then begin at the doorway.  For a whole house cleanse, begin at the front door.  Move mindfully with intention, in a clockwise direction, wafting the smoke through the air, ensuring that smoke can drift into any corners or hidden spaces.
    • Once you’ve smudged everywhere you intended, visualise your aura/room/home being filled with a bright cleansing and healing light and extinguish the smudge/Palo Santo stick.
    • Place the selenite stick and black tourmaline near the entrance to your home or room for continued energetic purification and protection of the space between cleanses.  For aura cleansing, you may wish to hold the black tourmaline and sweep the selenite stick gently around the outer aura, being mindful to avoid sweeping directly above the crown of your head.
    • Give thanks to the universe, your new smudging toolkit, to yourself, or whatever feels relevant to you at the time as you close the ceremony.
    • Your smudge kit can be safely stored within its box until you next wish to use it.
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