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New Year, Fresh Start - the benefits of space clearing

The New Year is often associated with new beginnings and what better way to let go of the old or to start anew than a simple refreshing cleanse of your aura and environment, releasing what no longer serves your wellbeing, and welcoming in positive intentions for the future weeks or months ahead.


Having stagnant or negative energy around you can result in a detrimental effect on your mental and physical health. A common example is where you may have walked into a room after a tense exchange and felt like the 'air could be cut with a knife' because you're sensing the negative energy in the room. There may be a place you don't particularly like to visit or walk past as it gives you a shiver or an uncomfortable feeling because you're sensing some residual energies.

Essentially whatever occurs in an environment can be absorbed into that environment, with an energetic imprint left in the walls, furniture, objects, etc. Stagnant energies in particular tend to build up in dark corners, cupboards and tucked away places where energy can't flow freely. Negative energies can also quickly imprint in areas where negative events have taken place, perhaps an argument or a fall, receiving bad news via a phone call, anything that has resulted in sudden or significant sadness, fear or anger. Changes can be subtle but if left untreated can manifest and affect those spending time in the environment, causing them to experience a lack of happiness and success.


Space clearing has been around for a very long time and there are different methods used in different traditions. Below is a very brief summary.

For centuries the shamans of the indigenous peoples in North America have been carrying out purification ceremonies utilising the smoke of white sage to cleanse and rid any negative energies from the living environment and the mind. White sage also has antibacterial properties and it's believed that up to 94% of the bacteria in a room can be broken down after burning this herb.

Smudging with white sage is also a commonly used practice in Feng Shui, to purify spaces and improve the flow of 'Chi' energy. In fact in Japan, purification rituals are customary. Another Japanese tradition utilises salt placed in a bowl at a doorway to ward off any negative energy from entering and placing small amounts of salt in the corners of a room for a day or two to purify the space.

It's believed that cleansing with the smoke from Palo Santo, wood from trees indigenous to South America, has been around since the Inca empire!

Another simple cleansing method utilises the smoke from burning incense. The use of incense is thought to date back to ancient Egyptian healing rituals.


Smudging or space clearing is a practice that can be carried out at any time and as frequently as needed and is limited only by your imagination - you can cleanse your own or someone else's energy field/aura (with their permission of course), a plant, a room, a home or building, your garden, car (if you have one), any space that is personal or sacred to you.

The general idea is to clear away any negative, stagnant or residual energies and welcome in fresh, positive energies. You may like to smudge or space cleanse for a new year, a new home, after an argument, when you feel out of sorts, anxious, sluggish, just after a full moon to release any energies that no longer serve you, etc. Essentially whenever you feel it's needed.


The most important element of space cleansing is setting your intention. What do you want to achieve at this time? What do you want to release? Will you be cleansing your aura, your bedroom or office space, a favourite plant, the bathroom after a sickness bug, a place in the home where an argument has taken place or where any bad news has been received, the whole house, a new piece of furniture, a new home, the garden?

Next, choose which method of space cleansing you'd like to try. There's no better or worse choice here, it really just depends on your personal preference. Why not give all the methods above a try at different times and see what works best for you.

Before you begin, it will be beneficial to tidy and clean the space if possible.

You can view further instructions and purchase a space clearing smudge kit or any of the other tools needed by clicking here.

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